Neutral Woolens

 Our collection of neutral colors woolens.

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Olde Glory White - 100% woolen

Olde Glory White - 100% woolen

This is just a nice off white light tannish woolen fabric - what a great find...


Natural - 100% woolen

Natural - 100% woolen

Just plain natural color wool fabric. Great for all your white color needs and also works well for over dyed...


Host Creamery - 100% woolen

Host Creamery - 100% woolen

This is a nice creamy neutral which is great for sheep, animals, houses and more.  It's got a wonderful waffle weave pattern.  ..


Mashed Potatoes - 100% woolen

Mashed Potatoes - 100% woolen

This is a light khaki wool herringbone with heathered black specks...


Morse Code - 100% woolen

Morse Code - 100% woolen

The new Morse Code re-milled to an upgraded density.  It is a great wool and go to for sheep, snowmen, and backgrounds...


Skinny Minny - 100% woolen

Skinny Minny - 100% woolen

This skin or blush shade of wool is a nice wool for pigs, dolls, faces, and more.  Just a nice light pink shade...


Seersucker - 100% woolen

Seersucker - 100% woolen

This wool is a neutral and gray stripe with the gray more pronounced on one side...


Yorkshire Stripe - 100% woolen

Yorkshire Stripe - 100% woolen

This wool is great for flowers, boarders, siding and more. Nice old vintage tan stripe with leanings toward an old rose color...


Cumulous Cloud - 100% woolen

Cumulous Cloud - 100% woolen

This wool is a neutral plaid shades with and light tan windowpane...


Miss Pearl - 100% woolen

Miss Pearl - 100% woolen

This pearl gray herringbone wool makes a good choice wool for a light gray...


Sugar Cookie - 100% woolen

Sugar Cookie - 100% woolen

This wool is a light tan herringbone with a darker tan windowpane...


Cotton Seed - 100% woolen

Cotton Seed - 100% woolen

This wool is a light tan and grey speckled...


Ocean City 100% woolen

Ocean City 100% woolen

This new wool is a sandy-neutral with a hint of oyster blush - a beauty for backgrounds...


Smokey Mountain Rain- 100% woolen

Smokey Mountain Rain- 100% woolen

This is wool is a new light grey and natural plaid.  ..


Peachy Keen 100% woolen

Peachy Keen 100% woolen

This wool is a great light has slight peach cast with green and rust windowpane...


Tapioca- 100% woolen

Tapioca- 100% woolen

This wool is such a soft yellowy background for muted flowers, pictorials and more...


Tumbleweed - 100% woolen

Tumbleweed - 100% woolen

This wool is a light yellow grey with darker grey speckled...


Hayloft - 100% woolen

Hayloft - 100% woolen

This soft gold wool with many other colors heathered into this unique texture. Nice wheaty-gold is a must...


Kingsman - 100% woolen

Kingsman - 100% woolen

This wool is a soft houndstooth and a new classic.  One of my favorites!   If you choose to wash we recommend a cold wash and cold rinse and cool dryer! ..


Hay There - 100% woolen

Hay There - 100% woolen

This soft wheaty-gold wool is a wonderful small check. ..


Triple Windowpane - 100% woolen

Triple Windowpane - 100% woolen

This light tan wool with a triple light brown windowpane which makes for interesting sheep, vases, animals and more. ..


Ottis - 100% woolen

Ottis - 100% woolen

This wool herringbone is an tan and brown herringbone with natural stripe...


Virginia Gold - 100% woolen

Virginia Gold - 100% woolen

This gold wool is a very versatile shade with darker gold on one side and a lighter gold tannish color on the reverse. ..


Reflections- 100% woolen

Reflections- 100% woolen

This wool is a very light khaki heathered with natural wool. ..


Wood Ash - 100% woolen

Wood Ash - 100% woolen

This a light gray herringbone wool with gray windowpanes...


The Blue and The Gray - 100% woolen

The Blue and The Gray - 100% woolen

This wool is a marvelous for backgrounds, snowmen, and clouds. It starts with a nice light and medium gray houndstooth then window pane of dark gray and light blue...


Cat's Meow - 100% woolen

Cat's Meow - 100% woolen

 This is an interesting neutral with a geometric pattern - works well in baskets, vases, animals and more. ..


Banana Bread - 100% woolen

Banana Bread - 100% woolen

A nice simple neutral background with a strong plaid...


Favorite Khaki Background - 100% woolen

Favorite Khaki Background - 100% woolen

 This wool name says it all - just a great neutral plaid.  A soft creamy background with shades of green and brown to make up a wonderful plaid...


Sanford  - 100% woolen

Sanford - 100% woolen

This wool plaid has browns, light green, rust, and tan...


Lights and Shadows - 100% woolen

Lights and Shadows - 100% woolen

Repeat soft shades of grey, tan, and natural. Perfect for backgrounds, animals, etc...


Showing 1 to 31 of 31 (1 Pages)
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