This is the first of our new architecture building that came about from our love of midwest buildings, We love finding unique building during road trips House, Barns, Country Church we have even turned around to take photos of old counrty schools. So here is our first set of unique barns highlighted in wool applique. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have.
Barnitecture Series - Iowa Round Barn
This 10" wool and cotton pattern block features a Iowa clay tile round barn. This barn was developed at the Ames Iowa Research Station in 1910 as a 55' round hog barn. ..
Barnitecture Series - Bittersweet Barn
This 10" wool and cotton pattern block features a kit round wood round barn with clay tile silo inside., ..
Barnitecture Series - Monitor Barn
This 10" wool and cotton pattern block features a monitor barn name given to barns of this style barn of and in barn red { Note barns were red do from finishing in in rust added to linseed oil }...
Barnitecture Series -Classic Bank Barn
This 10" wool and cotton pattern block features a Classic Bank Barn there are many in the Midwest used mostly for cattle of horses...
Barnitecture Series - Big Blu Barn
This 10" wool and cotton pattern block features a barn the grabbed are attention it was just like this stone foundation painted blue so of course we turned around on the highway to get phot of this neat barn. We imagined is a a sheep barn...
Barnitecture Series - Chicken Barn
This 10" wool and cotton pattern block features a classic barn and chicken coop with chickens...
Barnitecture Series - Walter Barn
This 10" wool and cotton pattern block features a barn with lower Shead added as part of the barn or wagons and farm equipment...
Barnitecture Series - Quilt & Sheep Blocks / Finish
This wool and cotton pattern block features both the upper left and lower right 1/2 blocks of quilt blocks and sheep...
Barnitecture Series - 5 Block Set
This wool and cotton pattern set contains all 5 patterns : Iowa Round Barn, Monitor Barn, Walter Barn, Classic Bank Barn and sheep / quilt blocks Finishing...
Barnitecture Series - 3 Block Set
This wool and cotton pattern set contains all 3 patterns : Bittersweet Barn, Big Blue Barn, and Chicken Barn. Note cotton boarders just add your own...