Orange & Rust woolens
Our collection of 100% wool fabrics in orange & rust colors
Ragged Robin - 100% woolen
This wool herringbone is light and dark orange. Makes for a very neat wool...
Spiced Orange - 100% woolen
This orange wool plaid has shading of orange from light to dark almost rust...
Orangecicle - 100% woolen
This wool is a plain orange - can you say pumpkins, cats and more. This really makes me think of orange sherbet!..
Citrus (Reversible) - 100% woolen
This wool is versatile and reversible! It is a lemon and orange cocktail - two in one and great for fall leaves. One side is a nice orange and the other side is more of a yellow gold orange...
Toil and Trouble - 100% woolen
This wool is shades of pumpkin with muted red and black large windowpanes. ..
Pumpkin Patch - 100% woolen
This wool is pumpkin with muted green and black large windowpanes. Don't let the name fool you -- It's great for more than pumpkins...
Tequila Sunrise- 100% woolen
This wool is orange, red, and pink with shades of green to bring it all together. Very nice for pumpkins or background...
Texas Stripe - 100% woolen
A unique thin strip with warm combination of yarns in oranges, browns and tans...
Gary the Goldfish - 100% woolen
This wool is vintage shade of rust with an orange and grey stripe...
Seeded Pumpkin - 100% woolen
Rich orange with mill over dyed of seeded natural texture. This will warm your October pallet and bring your fall projects to life...
Big Top - 100% woolen
This wool has subtle, heathered shades of blue, brown, and golden rust and are used beautifully in varying size strips...
Big Orange Plaid - 100% woolen
This wool plaid is big with shades of orange red and black - hello Halloween. ..