Our collection of Valdani pearl cotton floss in variegated colors.
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Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
M7 - Fall Leaves Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #8 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
M49 - Subtle Elegance Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in size 12 floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
M79 - Explosion in Greens Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
M80 - Distant Grass Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
M82 - Backyard Greenfield Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
M91 - Black Night Valdani black with dark shades of navy, deep mauve thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
M93 - Silver Foam - light watery silver tone Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
M1001 - Vanilla Sky Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O31 - Tealish Blue Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O78 - Aged Wine Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O126 - Old Cottage Grey Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O154 - Dark Antique Golds Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O196 - Muddy Bark Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
O501 - Ebony Almond - black, charcoal grays Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O503 - Garnets - rich deep burgundy Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O505 - Toffee - washed golden browns, subtle beiges, soft
tans Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O506 - Cinnamon Swirl - cinnamon browns, rusty caramel Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in size 12 floss balls...
O510 - Terracotta Twist - superb terracotta shades, rust, burnt
orange Valdani thread. Variegated pearl cotton in size 12 floss balls...
O511 - Black Sea - black with very dark navy Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O514 - Wheat Husk - soft medium golden browns, golden rusty
beiges.Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O518 - Dusty Leaves - quiet dark olives, olive browns/earth
tones.Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O519 - Green Olives - shades of olive greens Valdani thread. Variegated pearl cotton in size12 floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
O526 - Green Pastures - subtle shading of summer-leaf
greensValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O532 - Shaded Brick Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O534 - Quiet Fall - medium burnt oranges, brown orangeValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O537 - Sea Deep - subdued blue tealsValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O541 - Mauve Orchid - deep and medium mauvesValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O544 - Pond Ripple - soft lt-med. blue-greensValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O545 - Primitive White Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O547 - Burnt Chocolate - dark browns, blackValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
O550 - Caribbean Blue Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O557 - Rose Suave Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O563 - Skin Tones Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O576 - Weathered Hay Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O578 - Primitive Blue - faded blueValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
O775 - Turkey Red Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
P2 - Olive Green - Vintage Hues Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in size 12 floss balls...
P3 - Aged White Medium Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
P4 - Aged White Light Valdani thread. Variegated pearl cotton in size 12 floss balls...
P5 - Tarnished Gold Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
P7 - Withered Blue Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani size #12 Pearl Cotton - Variegated floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H201 - Rust Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H204 - Nostalgic Rose Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H205 - Ancient Gold Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H206 - Washed Orange Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H207 - Darkened Blue Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H208 - Forgotten Lavender Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H210 - Melancholic Purple Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
H212 - Faded Brown Valdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
V60 - Pinks & Purples - medium pinks, lavender,
purplesValdani thread. Variegated pearl colors cotton in 12 strand floss balls...
Showing 1 to 85 of 85 (1 Pages)